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Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+2 in Bb - Bb Trompete Musikverlag Joh. Siebenhüner

VerlagsnummerSIEB 21687
EAN / GTIN9783964181671
VerlagMusikverlag Joh. Siebenhüner
8,46 CHF
inkl. MwSt.
Serie: Music makes the World go Round (4-stimmig gesetzte Sammelbände mit variabler Besetzung für Bläser und Streicher) Format: DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm) ISBN 13: 978-3-96418-167-1

Inhalt / Content:

• Down By The Riverside • Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen • Oh Happy Day • Go, Tell It On The Mountain • Swing Low Sweet Chariot • Go Down, Moses
• Glory, Hallelujah! • Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho • Oh When The Saints • Kum Ba Yah • Sombody's Knocking At Your Door • All Night, All Day

Lieferbare Produkte / available Products:

Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Direktion Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Klaviersolo / Klavierbegleitstimme Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Play Along CD / Mitspiel CD Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+2 in Bb - Bb Trompete Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+2 in C - Flöte Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+2 in C - Oboe / Violine / Glockenspiel Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+2+3 in Bb - Klarinette Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+2+3 in Eb - Altsax / Eb Klarinette Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+2+3+4 in C - Posaunenchor Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+3 Viola Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+3 in Bb - Tenorsax / Tenorhorn Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+3 in Eb - Horn Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+3 in F - Horn Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+3+4 in Bb - Posaune / Tenorhorn / Bariton Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+3+4 in C - Posaune / Cello / Fagott /Bariton Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+4 in C - Bässe Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 1+4 in Eb - Baritonsaxophon Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme 4 in Eb und Bb - Bässe (Violinschlüssel) Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme Gitarre / Keyboard / Orgel / Akkordeon Music Makes the World go Round - Gospels & Spirituals - Stimme Pauken / Schlagzeug

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Verfügbare Einzelstimmen
Name Preis
Komplettausgabe / Complete Set 8,46 CHF inkl. MwSt.

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